I have just read Anita Frizzarin’s letter and sympathised until I got near the end where she says “it is impossible to know which driver will try to push you out of the way or run you over”, writes Steve Woods, Islington, full address supplied.

How silly to say such a thing. How many drivers try to run cyclists over? Any sympathy I had evaporated.

Having read the article by Emily Thornberry in the Gazette ("Islington heard 'loud and clear' on Brexit"), how many times does the electorate of England have to tell the 650 incumbents of the House of Commons what is wanted? writes Mr J E Kirby, Clissold Crescent, Stoke Newington.

They, the MPs, have now been told three times that a majority of people from all parties want Brexit to go ahead.

We told them when we had the referendum sponsored by David (call me Dave) Cameron; we told them again when both the Labour and the Tory parties got hammered in the recent local council elections.

And we told them again on May 23 when we had a totally unnecessary election for the EU and both the main parties got hammered - again.

How many times do we have to tell them? We also got a remark by John Bercow, the speaker, in a national newspaper, and I quote: "This Parliament can do as this Parliament thinks fit."

Also he says that MPs will get a chance to stop a "no deal" and also hinted that they may revoke article 50 altogether.

Is John Bercow trying to go the same way as the last person who defied Parliament, King Charles I, who for his pains got his head chopped off? Fortunately we don't do that today as I think there would be quite a queue of MPs for this.

In a national paper, there is a cartoon of John Bercow being led to the chopping block. It is about time that our 650 MPs stopped being pig-headed and obstinate and got this voted through.

We do not need a further referendum as people like Jeremy Corbyn keep calling for.

If they can't or won't do this then they should step down and allow people to be elected who will get the Brexit bill through.

Another thing I note is that Boris Johnson is supposed to be sent to court for allegedly lying about the amount of money we send to the EU while on the tour for Leave - something I suppose the majority of of MPs can also be found guilty of.

Perhaps we should also put Tony Blair up before the courts for lying as I believe he used the excuse to invade Iraq due to the alleged possession of "weapons of mass destruction".

Funnily enough, I don't think any of these weapons were ever found, so perhaps we should also put Tony Blair, the then prime minister, in front of such a court for lying as well.

It just goes to show that we cannot trust Parliament, where we send MPs to represent us, to do the rather well-paid job that we employ them to.

Perhaps if we gave them all their P45s we eould get people in Parliament who will do what the people sent them there to do on our behalf, and not ignore them once they are there.

The End Child Poverty coalition recently published a damning report that revealed child poverty is becoming increasingly normalised in our society, writes Jennette Arnold OBE, London Assembly Member for NE London.

Along with other London boroughs, Islington is one of the top 20 in the country for having the highest prevalence of child poverty in 2017/2018.

The latest figures from the Trussell Trust have also shown that 1,405 three-day emergency food parcels were handed out to children in Islington between April 2018 and March 2019.

Almost a decade of government austerity has widened the gulf between rich and poor in our communities.

We are seeing callous welfare cuts, low incomes and the rising cost of living plunging the most vulnerable families below the breadline and into debt.

Instead of confronting the issue head-on and making the necessary interventions, the government have appeared to shirk their responsibility, passing their duty of care onto our already strained third and public sectors.

Going forward, it is vital that the government fully takes on board the recommendations of the End Child Poverty coalition's report, by putting a stop to the four-years benefits freeze, abolishing the two-child allowance limit in tax credits, comprehensively reforming Universal Credit and re-establishing the link between benefits and inflation levels.