Lee Min-jae’s romzomcom is implausible and inconsistent but also inventive, good-looking and funny

Islington Gazette: Korean Zombie Rom Com Zombie For SaleKorean Zombie Rom Com Zombie For Sale (Image: Archant)

You may not feel the need for another zombie film right now but this one is Korean and the Oscar-grabbing/coronavirus-tracking Koreans are the world’s on form country at the moment.

2016’s Train to Busan put down a marker in this field and this zomromcom has enough novelty and invention to be worth a look.

When undead Jyong-bi (Jung Ga-ram) wanders into a small village he gets taken in by a greedy down-on-their-luck family who see a money-making opportunity.

The majority of the film is a comedy about the villagers and their unseemly rush to take advantage of their new member.

Islington Gazette: Korean Zombie Rom Com Zombie For SaleKorean Zombie Rom Com Zombie For Sale (Image: Archant)

It is distinctively Korean in that it features a BTS pretty boy zombie who is so wouldn’t-hurt-a-fly delicate, a dog chases him away. It’s also an unusual Zombie film in that it doesn’t primarily focus on the collapse of society.

Director Lee Min-jae’s debut is silly, its undead premise is implausible and inconsistent, and its plot relies heavily on coincidence and improbabilities.

But it’s also inventive, looks good and the big action set-pieces are impeccable.

The humour is pretty broad but funny, and a cast of top Korean performers make you warm to their often less than endearing characters.

3/5 stars

Starring Jeong Jae-yeong, Jung Ga-ram, Kim Nam-gil. In Korean with subtitles. Out on Blu-ray from Arrow Video. Running time: 112 mins.