Updates on plans for a major Romford development will be available to residents at a series of October events.

Proposals for the Bridge Close development have been rumbling along for years, with initial plans put before Havering’s strategic planning committee back in 2019. 

The most recent pre-application proposal, which went before the committee on October 6 this year, involves the construction of 1,070 homes, 7,012sqm of commercial floor space, a primary school and nursery, a health centre and other amenities and infrastructure. 

A new bridge and other links are also planned in a bid to revitalise a stretch of the River Rom and connect existing neighbourhoods to the town centre and Queen’s Hospital. 

Islington Gazette: An outline of the Bridge Close siteAn outline of the Bridge Close site (Image: Havering Council)

Concerns were however raised by committee members at the recent meeting, in particular regarding the proposal's scale and lack of affordable housing commitments. 

Cllr Jane Keane, Labour councillor for the St Albans ward where the proposed development site is located, was one to query the plans . 

Referencing the development's location among a host of other potential sites, she told the committee: “I really am struggling to see how the cumulative effect of developments in our ward is going to impact on our residents.” 

Havering Council, which is the sole lead on the project after its partner First Base dropped out in 2020, has now organised a series of sessions where residents can get updates and leave feedback. 

Two of these will be in-person at The Brewery, in Romford - on October 26 from 11am to 2pm, and October 29 from 12pm to 3pm. 

An online webinar will also be held on October 27, 6pm to 7pm. To register, either visit the Bridge Close website page, or email consultation@cascadecommunications.co.uk. 

Islington Gazette: Concerns have been raised by councillors about the scale of the development and level of affordable housingConcerns have been raised by councillors about the scale of the development and level of affordable housing (Image: Havering Council)

Cllr Graham Williamson, Havering Council cabinet lead for development and regeneration, said: “We would like to thank the 1,600 residents who have participated in our public consultation events for Bridge Close Romford over the last four years. 

“These upcoming events will provide residents with the opportunity to see how their feedback has helped shape our plans, ahead of submitting the planning application later this year.”