A new batch of data from the 2021 census just dropped. Here’s what we learned about Islington from the release.

A borough with ‘no religion’

In 2021, 40.8% of respondents in Islington said that they had ‘no religion’. This was the highest percentage in any London borough, and is more than the number of people who said they were Christian (34.7%).

This is the first time more people in Islington have identified as having ‘no religion’ than as Christian. In 2011, at the time of the last census, just 21% of local people said they had ‘no religion’, while 48% described themselves as Christian.

More people speak English than a decade ago

According to the most recent census data, 81% of people in Islington speak English as a main language. For comparison, 10 years ago, that number was 5% lower, as one in four Islington residents did not speak English as their main language.

Spanish, French and Italian were the next most commonly spoken languages in the borough.

More diversity

In 2011, 48% of Islington residents identified as White British. A decade later that number stands at 40%.