A woman with two young children claims that being left in a cramped, damp home for over a decade is making her son dangerously ill.

She says Islington Council has failed to take her “seriously”, despite his rare liver condition - but a recent urgent inspection by the council revealed no evidence of mould.

Aisha (not her real name), who lives in Staveley Close, Islington, told the Gazette that her young son who received a liver transplant at five months old has frequently been admitted to hospital with fungal infections.

Aisha, 30, says that she has had persistent problems with damp in the property, and that although the council has regularly cleaned away mould, it reappears every six months.

Aisha said that she had recently cleaned the flat to protect her son’s health.

But pictures provided by Aisha show mould on her curtains, walls and ceilings. 

Islington Gazette: Mould on Aisha's curtains, walls and ceilings Mould on Aisha's curtains, walls and ceilings (Image: Newsquest)

The conditions in Aisha's property are cramped, as she shares one bedroom with her seven-year-old daughter and three-year-old son.

A letter from a Great Ormond Street family support officer requested that Aisha and her family be given “medical priority for social housing”, and a property with three bedrooms.

Despite this, Aisha and her family are yet to be allocated a new home.

Aisha said: “I’ve been battling the council to help me move for the last seven years basically.

“I’ve had letters from the hospital saying my son would benefit from his own room, but I’m still not entitled to a three-bedroom.

“Every time I get mould they come around and sort it out, but it reappears within less than six months.

“I hate living in this house. When I was refused help to move that’s when my anxiety and depression got really bad.”

“I genuinely just believe the council are not taking it seriously.”

Cllr Una O’Halloran, Islington Council’s executive member for homes and communities, said: “The council carried out an urgent inspection of Aisha's property on Friday (January 27) during which no evidence of damp or mould was found at the home.”

She added: “We are committed to supporting Aisha with her concerns regarding being overcrowded in her home.

“An assessment has been carried out in line with the council’s housing allocations scheme and, unfortunately, it is not currently possible to rehouse her due to the lack of availability caused by the housing crisis.

“We will continue to work with Aisha, and will try to provide alternative accommodation when vacancies occur.”

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