Fred Double didn't fly in his first panto as a lost boy, because he told the director he was scared of heights.

Now the Mountview Theatre School graduate, who has previously appeared in Wise Children's Wuthering Heights, stars as Aladdin at the Hackney Empire. But will the Ipswich Town supporter and talented musician be braving a magic carpet ride in the annual pantomime?

Q: Is this your first Panto and how has it been working with experienced regulars like Kat B and Clive Rowe?

A: My first experience of Panto was a production of Peter Pan when I was 12. I was cast as one of the lost boys, and I’m still annoyed I said I was scared of heights as I wasn’t allowed on the flying harness! Kat B and Clive have been great. It’s brilliant to work with two great actors who know pantomime inside out, and they’re a great laugh too! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the whole rehearsal process.

Islington Gazette: Clive Rowe both co-directs and appears as Widow Twankey in Aladdin at Hackney EmpireClive Rowe both co-directs and appears as Widow Twankey in Aladdin at Hackney Empire (Image: Hackney Empire)

Q: Your parents are musicians and you started performing young, tell us about your upbringing.

A: My first memory of anything creative was seeing my Dad teach his drum students in our house, which quickly led me to pick up that instrument! Music was my first discovery into performance, learning the trumpet, acoustic guitar and the bass, which led to acting in my teenage years. Before I went off to drama school I was in numerous productions at the New Wolsey Theatre with their young company, and was lucky enough to perform work I made with my cohort.

Q: What's the most fun thing about Pantomime?

A: I’d say it's getting the chance to meet and work with new people! Everyone in the cast is so brilliant and each offer different things to the work. They’re a brilliant bunch, and meeting my fellow actors and creatives has definitely been one of my highlights!

Q: And what is the most difficult?

A: It's maintaining both vocal and physical stamina over a long run of shows. There’s a lot of singing and dancing, and looking after my voice and body is something I’m always taking into consideration. Not pushing too much is something Clive and Alex (our Musical Director) have really instilled in us. After all, you’re not going to be louder than 1000 cheering school children.

Q: What are you most looking forward to when audiences start coming in?

A: When the audience first meet the Genie, that’s my favourite scene for sure!

Q: Will you be taking a magic carpet ride in the show?

A: Ah, that would be telling. Come along to find out!

Q: If you met a genie what would you wish for?

A: For me, there’s only one wish. Ipswich town to win the Premier League. Come on you blues.

Aladdin runs November 23 to December 31 at Hackney Empire, Mare Street.