Two bodies were recovered from the River Thames within half an hour of each other as the search for Abdul Ezedi continues.

Police were called just before 10.15am on Saturday (February 10) following reports that the body of a man was recovered from the river near to the HMS Belfast, between London Bridge and Tower Bridge.

AT 10.40am police were called after the body of a man was recovered from the water in Limehouse.

Metropolitan Police officers are working to confirm the identity of both men and inform their next of kin.

The deaths are being treated as unexpected pending further enquiries, Scotland Yard added.

Marine police have been trawling the River Thames as they believe Abdul Ezedi may be in the water.

The last confirmed sighting of Ezedi was crossing over Chelsea Bridge shortly before 11.30pm on January 31, the night of the acid attack in Clapham which left a mother and her two children badly injured.

Since 10am this morning (February 11) police boat searches have been taking place on the river during low tide around Chelsea Bridge and the surrounding stretch of the river.

Commander Jon Savell said: “Our enquiries continue but we have been very closely following all the available evidence for the past week and indications are now that Ezedi entered the water.

Islington Gazette: Screenshot of Abdul Ezedi walking towards Chelsea Bridge - boat patrols on the River Thames continueScreenshot of Abdul Ezedi walking towards Chelsea Bridge - boat patrols on the River Thames continue (Image: Met)


“We have tracked him since the moment the attack happened walking for four hours through London, in the main hugging the river.

“He is a man who had just carried out the most horrific attack, and was suffering from significant injuries himself which must have been causing him an extraordinary amount of pain.

“It is just over four miles from Tower Hill, where he was seen leaving the tube station, to Chelsea Bridge.

"He walks purposefully. Halfway across Chelsea Bridge he pauses and paces back and forth towards the railings, as well as looking over them, this is a change in behaviour. Then he is lost from sight."

He added: "At that time of night, at this time of year, and entering the water from the middle of a bridge at height, the chances of Ezedi surviving are extremely remote."