A man was caught dealing drugs near a primary school playground.

Willano Moore, of Hornsey Street, was seen by officers on patrol dealing drugs in Paradise Park, in the summer of 2020.

The 25-year-old ran away and was chased 200 yards before being stopped in the playground of a nearby primary school.

A search of the area revealed a mobile phone that Moore had discarded in a shrub in a nearby garden.

Police investigators discovered that the phone was linked to a drugs line selling crack cocaine and heroin.

Moore was eventually charged with multiple crimes in March 2022, having initially been released under investigation.

His trial was due to begin in June this year, but the 25-year-old ultimately decided to plead guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court on May 2 instead.

Moore admitted to being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin, and acquiring, using or possessing criminal property.

He is now due to be sentenced at the same court on June 28, where it is likely he will be jailed.

Sergeant Will Smith said: “Moore was desperate to get away from officers after being seen openly dealing drugs in a children's play park.

“An officer bravely gave chase and he was quickly arrested.

"He had fled into a local school playground but thankfully this incident happened when the children were on their summer holidays.

"The evidence against him, including the discarded phone, meant Moore had no option but to plead guilty."