A stalwart campaigner for social justice who continued going on protest marches into her 90s has died.

Angela Sinclair-Loutit, a former nurse and social worker from Highbury Hill, died on Thursday last week while on holiday in France with her family. She was 95.

Her friend and fellow campaigner Donatella Bernstein told the Gazette: “We all expected it but we are at a bit of a loss. She was such a character. She was campaigning until recently to save the Whittington Hospital A&E, and against armament for CND. I don’t know how she found the energy.

“The last march was a long one down town last year against austerity. Since then she stopped because she couldn’t walk, but she did a lot of sit-ins.”

Angela’s campaigning dates back to the Second World War when her studies at Oxford University were interrupted, and as a conscientious objector she joined the Quaker Friends Ambulance Unit. Despite her father being a Lieutenant Colonel veteran of the First World War, she was resolutely anti-military and was tried by a conscientious objector tribunal when she refused to serve in the army.

During the Blitz she worked with rescue services in London helping people into shelters and comforting those who had lost loved ones. She then spent time in Egypt working in a camp for 6,000 evacuated Yugoslavs where she learnt Serbo-Croat so she could understand their sorrows.

At the same time Angela passed her army truck maintenance test began driving medical supplies to Belgrade.

In 1946 she married Ken, a doctor with whom she had three children, and they lived in Canada, Thailand, Paris and Morocco where he was stationed working as an adviser to UNICEF before moving back to London in 1972.

Ms Berstein said: “Her commitment was to the wretched, poor and abused all over the world, and most particularly where she lived. Angela called herself an “aggressive pacifist” because she was always game for a challenge, and was prepared to fight against injustices, and any form of rationalisation that might lead to war.”

Annette Thomas, assistant secretary of the Islington Pensioners’ Forum, which Angela helped found 30 years ago, added: “She was a warm, kind and at the same time outspoken woman. We all knew she not only understood problems, but set out to overcome them.”