In March 2020 it became clear we had to take the pandemic seriously and act, which is what we did.

Working with faith and community groups across Islington we battened down the hatches and have been busy ever since adapting services and developing new ones.

Having the right information and guidance at the right juncture became key as many groups faced challenges not experienced before.

Despite these challenges many faith groups stepped up to support efforts around food distribution, medicine, isolation, bereavement and financial support and in many cases they were serving people beyond their own congregations.

It has been inspiring.

The pandemic has shone a light on the gaps in society, many of them pre-existing, and has forced everyone to look more closely at what can be done to make life more equal, safe and healthy for all.

There remains much to do as Covid-19 has brought many matters urgently to the fore when we are still limited in the way we can engage with others.

However, a vaccine has arrived and when we can meet in person next year we will appreciate it all the more, as we have missed seeing so many people in Islington.

  • The Islington Faiths Forum (IFF) is a community partnership of faith-based organisations.