A rainbow-coloured neon cage will light up the sky above King’s Cross for the next two years.

The art installation called Identified Flying Object (IFO) and created by French artist Jacques Rival will be hoisted up into the skyline one night a month.

The cage, which was unveiled last week, stands at nine metres high, with bars that are wide enough apart to walk through so visitors can enter it and sit on the swing at its centre during the day.

By night, the bars of the cage will be illuminated in an array of colours and once a month the whole artwork will be pulled up into the air by the biggest crane on the site.

IFO is the first of several contemporary art installations that will animate the King’s Cross development over the coming years.

Curatorial duo Michael Pinsky and St�phanie Delcroix, who will commission the first three years of the site’s arts programme, have chosen artists from the UK and the Continent to reflect King’s Cross’ status as an international hub and transport exchange.