Curiosity, it’ll get you every time.

The world’s first equity crowdfund film; made by a director during his bail period before having to serve a three and half year prison sentence for an historical mortgage fraud; let’s have a look at that. I’m a proper mug ain’t I?

The story starts with a psycho escaping, the shock of which is slightly undercut by the fact that every other inhabitant of Cornish village Curiosity seems to be some kind of sociopath.

Darren Ripley’s script is a hectic mishmash of favourite films; a multi-stranded narrative stringing together a heist, a small kid trying to find a serial killer, a wimpy salesman falling under the spell of a callous hitman, and nowhere enough time to do justice to any of them.

The acting is variable, but for a film that cost £200,000, it looks pretty slick. It’s not terrible, but it doesn’t work on any level.
