I BELIEVE that comments from Labour councillor Barbara Sidnell and Labour activist Connor McGinn (Gazette, January 10) misrepresented both myself and Islington Council.

I BELIEVE that comments from Labour councillor Barbara Sidnell and Labour activist Connor McGinn (Gazette, January 10) misrepresented both myself and Islington Council.

In an internal e-mail sent to Catherine West and her staff, I wrote that I was aware that there had been problems with drugs in a block of flats on Newington Green in which two men were found dead last year in separate incidents.

It came as a surprise to read remarks from the Labour party quoting this correspondence in a negative light!

It is a lie for the Labour members to claim that nothing has been done about it.

The council and the police are working extremely hard to ensure that things continue to improve for everyone in the Newington Green area. - Councillor Anna Berent, Liberal Democrat member for Mildmay Ward, Town Hall, Upper Street, N1.