Lisa from Dalston’s Weeknight Diner Cook School on a sweet treat you can make without a fancy ice-cream maker

Who needs cheering up? With the current social distancing, all schools either closed or partially closed and home schooling the new normal, I thought a simple yet utterly delicious ice cream that’s easy to make with your children would go down a treat.

You don’t need an ice cream maker, only a handful of ingredients, which can easily be bought from your local corner shop… if you’re quick! It’s a great recipe for a cookery lesson in your new home schooling timetable!

Honeycomb Ice cream


5 tbsp of white granulated sugar

2 tbsp of golden syrup

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

600ml double cream

1 can of condensed milk

Tiny splash of vodka or gin ( purely to stop the ice cream going too icy)


First make the honeycomb. NOTE: This needs adult supervision, it’s sticky, hot and can burn you, so however tempting, do not touch it until it is cool.

Place the sugar and the syrup in a saucepan on a low heat and swirl the ingredients gently.

Do not stir as you want to keep as may bubbles in the mixture as you can. Once the mixture has melted and turned a golden brown with lots of bubbles, take off the heat and stir in the bicarbonate of soda.

It should foam up immediately. Tip the mixture onto a lined baking sheet straight away and set aside to cool.


For the ice cream, in a large bowl, mix the double cream with an electric whisk until it starts to thicken, add the condensed milk and a splash of vodka. Whisk again until the mixture has the consistency of soft peaks when the whisk is lifted out the bowl.

Once the honeycomb has cooled, smash it into little pieces by placing a clean tea towel over the top and using a rolling pin or spoon. Add this to the cream mixture and stir. Then place into a freezer container and freeze until hardened!

Lisa Cowling runs cooking classes from her home in Hackney.

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