It’s quite tough to review a stage show when you’ve been sworn to secrecy about it’s contents, but such is the task set by psychologist impresario Derren Brown about his latest outing Infamous.

Those of you familiar with his mind-bending and often astounding acts will have an idea of what went on and Mr Brown’s skills left the audience alternately gasping, laughing and scratching their heads at the many how did he do that? moments.

This is his sixth show since 2003 and I haven’t seen the others, but this one reveals a lot about the man behind the stage persona.

He seems honest and sincere as he talks about his life, up-bringing, his problems and his obsessions and he comes across as an immensely likeable person – the show feels like a bit of a journey that everyone embarks on together.

Interspersing these personal anecdotes are, of course, the predictably astounding tricks from the intimate, but no less impressive one-on-one psychology to some rather grander undertakings,

Another aspect of the show is how much he delights in giving you an idea of the inner workings of his tricks.

He could easily play the spiritual charlatan but he seems to delight in debunking mediums and the like in a thoughtful and at times intense fashion.

In short, it’s an entertaining and at times breath-taking show – but to find out any more you’ll have to go and see it.

Until August 17.